Meet talented Gamilaraay Graphic Designer and Illustrator, Lena-Jade Cochrane...

I wanted to take a moment today to introduce you to Lena-Jade Cochrane, the talented graphic designer and illustrator behind our Aboriginal Topic Cards and Aboriginal Tools Memory Cards, and Director of her own business, Mirii Designs.

I first came across Lena-Jade's work on the Facebook page of TIPIAC, which is an amazing Indigenous business  that creates online programs that offer teachers lessons and resources for Indigenous perspectives in the Australian curriculum. After reaching out to Lena-Jade about her beautiful work, Riley Callie Resources engaged Mirii Designs to undertake the illustrations and design work for some of our flash cards range. 

Today we hear a little from Lena-Jade and her story.

Tell us a bit about yourself…

My name is Lena-Jade Cochrane and I’m a proud Gamilaraay woman from North-West New South Wales. I live in a country town, which I love as I get inspirations from all around me- the community, the environment, my family etc. Being out on Country is what I love to do. I really love being fully present watching and listening while on Country, it’s such a huge inspiration for me. It heals me. 

How did you get involved in graphic design / illustration?

In high school, I really enjoyed art. It was a great time for me to really express myself creatively, and it became a passion of mine. After high school, I started a Bachelor of Design in Brisbane which I really enjoyed and it showed me even more types of art. I moved back home, and my family really encouraged creativity and art, and I continued creating at home with my mother. I think that having my mother who loves to paint Aboriginal art and tell stories through her designs has been such a great inspiration. I started out working for my mums business, illustrating and helping her by doing any graphic design work needed. I love working with colours and creating things that help others see the beauty in the simple things. 

Where do you get your inspiration from for your design work?

I get inspiration from nature a lot, but I’m also influenced by community members. I love designing and working with graphics, especially digital designs. I love the inspirations that come when I’m on Country. My
favourite thing to do is illustrations and bringing ideas to life. 

Who has inspired you the most in your career? 

I would say that my mother has influenced me the most. She has always encouraged me to express myself and is a very creative person herself. Growing up my mum was always out on Country and told stories through creating Aboriginal art. Helping mum with her business really inspired me to start my own and help others bring their ideas to life. 

What do you hope to achieve with your business in the future? 

I hope to gain more customers, as well as design some graphics for apparel and household furnishings. I want to see my furnishings being used in hotel chains across Australia and maybe even the world. I would love to help Indigenous business owners see their visions for their business come to life through graphic designs, branding and helping them to catch their customers attention. I enjoy crafts a lot, and have started testing more products such as candles and bath bombs. I would also love to be a role model for other young Indigenous artists and help them see that there are so many opportunities out there for them and being creative and expressive through the arts can bring self determination and success.

Deborah Hoger