Teacher Resource Pack
Teacher Resource Pack
First Nations educational resources to support further learning around Indigenous worldviews and embedding perspectives into the curriculum.
Welcome to Country Handbook: The Welcome to Country Handbook by Professor Marcia Langton AO is your accessible introduction to First Nations Peoples, histories and cultures. Drawn from the bestselling Welcome to Country, this guide is essential reading for every Australian, and an excellent resource for cultural awareness training in the workplace or classroom.
The Dreaming Path: Through conversations, exercises, Dreamtime stories and key messages, Paul Callaghan and Uncle Paul Gordon will sit you around the fire and share knowledge that reveals the power of Aboriginal spirituality as a profound source of contentment and wellbeing for anyone willing to listen.
Aboriginal Topic Cards: A beautifully visual set of 30 Topic Cards about Aboriginal Australia. These cards are designed to be used as a starting point for learning more about the beautiful history and continuing culture of Australia’s Aboriginal people. Take these cards and use them as ideas for Aboriginal topics to share in the classroom.
Total value of $97 for $80.